International Seminar-Workshop-Wellness through Ayurveda will be organized at Rishikesh on 3-4th October 2015..Please Register your self at
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रविवार, 15 मई 2011


Bright fluorescent lights would be irritating to nay person. Ayurveda would term this as ati-yoga of chakushendriya (over-use of the sense-organ of sight). Changing your work area or changing the light source would be a more permanent solution to your problem. If not certain medication and procedure which relax and strengthen the eyes would be helpful.

Procedures would include - cleansing the eyes with cold infusion of coriander seeds (dhanyaka heem) in the mornings and applying soothing eye drops (there are many brands) in the night before sleeping and if possible 2 to 3 times a day.
Eye exercises for strengthening the eyes are also recommended.
Medicines would include sukshma triphala and saptamruta lauha.
If possible the procedure of netra-tarpan (immersing the eyes in ghee) would also be immensely beneficial.

M.D. (Ayu.)
Royal Ayurveda

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