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मंगलवार, 21 दिसंबर 2010


Nowadays it is a trend to say that -
'Ayurved is good for health, it cures completely
but it takes a long period of treatment'.

An experienced and studied person definately will not agree this statement. Because for fast action, in Ayurvedic texts, a big stress is laid upon various Ashukari therapies. Amongs these, the great emphasis is put upon Panchkarma.

Panchkarma consists five main karmas -
  1. Vaman
  2. Virechan
  3. Basti
  4. Nasya
  5. Rakt-mokshan.

Each karma requires thorough planning, as it consists Poorvakarma and Paschatkarma (i.e. pre & post procedures).
Especially in Vaman and Virechana, 5 to 7 days Snehan (oleation) with medicated ghee as well as Abhyang & Swedan (massage & sudation) have to be done precisely.
On actual day of Vaman, specially prepared decoction has to be consumed in large quantity which lateron induces 6 to 8 urges of emesis.
While in Virechan, strong purgatives are administered early in the morning. It also results into 6 to 8 urges of purgation.
After this main procedure, Samsarjan krama i.e. gradually increasing diet schedule upto 4 to 7 days, has to be followed.
Then only, one can get the expected results. Vaman and Virechan are performed for evacuation of Kapha, Pitta dosh related disorders respectively.

Bastikarma has given a great importance by the Acharyas. As it has the most wide range of indications & manifold actions.
It is usually indicated for Vat related elements. It includes various type of enemas. These types ars decided as per the span of treatment and dose and ingredients like medicated oils, ghee, decoctions, paste, honey, salts etc.
Basti acts dominantly in the region below umblicus. It also corrects the abnormal nervous functions.

As we know, nasal turbinates and sinuses in our skull are a complex structures. These also need to be freed from deposition of abnormal elements. Nasya therapy (4th among Panchkarma) is mentioned in Ayurved, stands for this purpose. Ayurved believes that nose is the approach way to the interior of the head; so it is considered to be effective in diseases of head & also the controlling centres of five sense organs (Panch Indriyas) as they are situated in head region. In this procedure, vitiated doshas above sternal notch i.e. in the head & neck are either elliminated or pacified. In other words, substances administered by this route pervade the head & destroy the disorders in this part of the body. For this procedure, the medicines used are oils, pastes, powders, plant juices, decoctions, infusions & medicinal fumes. Prior to that, local Snehan, Swedan and afterwards Gandush & Dhoompan (medicated garglings & smoke therapy) is advised.

Becides Vat, Pitta and Kapha, Ayurved considers Rakta as prime factor regarding the disease process. Some ailments which do not come under the influence of Tridoshas (i.e. Vat-Pitta-Kapha) should be treated with the regard of Rakta (i.e. blood).
For elimination of blood related diseases, one must go for bloodletting under the observation of an able Vaidya. The method & quantity of blood to be evacuated depends upon the type of disease, season, constitution and tolerance capacity of the patient.
Their are eight different ways for bloodletting. Amongs which Siravedh (venous puncture), Jalaukavacharan (leech application) are widely practiced today. Besides these types, for more convenience, young generation Vaidyas perform bloodletting with open ended sterile syringes of various size. So this is how the 'Shodhan'  i.e. elimination of Doshas can be done by various angles.

Moreover, this therapy is not only useful for diseased state but Ayurved emphasizes to perform these Karmas on healthy beings regularly per year when the natural dominance of each Dosha arises.
E.g. Kapha dosha naturally vitiates in the season of Spring (Vasant Ritu). Hence Vaman is indicated during Spring.
Pitta should be normalised during Autumn with Virechan.
Vat vitiation usually occures in Rainy season. So Bastikarma should be performed by every normal person during this period.
Vitiation of blood is also possible in Autumn, so bloodletting or blood donation is recommended during month of October.
This seasonwise nature of body elements (Doshas) is seen in the Indian continent.

Properly done Panchkarma mostly eliminates excess Doshas, henceforth one achieves good sense, working capacity of each organ, good mental status, restoration of strength, improvement in complexion, formation of the good quality tissue also.
It definately cures the disease, if any, alongwith the removal of root cause. Therefore, recurrence doesn't occures.
It replenishes the digestive procedure & metabolism to get it's normal status.
It checks the aging process.
One can achieve supreme strength to certain organs and immunity power by planning a course of rejuvenating medicine (Rasayan Chikitsa) after Panchkarma.
So, this is fast effective and immunising too !!                                                                           

Practically we are performing these procedures on many patients as well as healthy persons since 12+ years.

9/1, Sane Guruji Colony,

Behind collector bunglow,

M.S., India.

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