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सोमवार, 20 दिसंबर 2010


Vata: Energy Of Movement

Elements Air (Vayu) + Ether (Aakash)
Qualities Dry, Light, Cold, Mobile, Rough
Season Varsha
Nature Wind
Main Location Colon

Vata is referred to as the ‘King of the Doshas’, because it is responsible for every movement in the body. Without Vata, Pitta and Kapha can not move. Eyes blinking, heart beating, talking with your hands, jumping, circulation, elimination, are all because of vata.
Since Vata people are made of Air and Ether, they don’t have a lot holding them together. They will quickly go out of balance and quickly come back into balance – think of the wind. Vatas tend to get cold easily and are prone to dry skin due to the Dry, Cold and Rough qualities.

Vata personality 
You can pick out who has Vata as their dominant Dosha because they tend to talk a lot, move a lot, and worry a lot. They are creative worriers and usually have twelve million things going on at one time. Their mind is constantly going and they have a very hard time sitting still. This is due to the movement quality of Vata/wind – mind and body are zipping everywhere often times finding it hard to find peace and grounding within themselves. Because Vatas have such creative energy, they make good teachers, artists, actors, and professional speakers. And believe you me, Vatas like to talk! And wiggle. And complain. Because something usually hurts, including their brain. They also forget things, tend to be late and change their mind all the time. Balanced Vatas are contagiously energetic and are the people you might say, “light up the room.”

Vata body
Vatas tend to be slender and can be tall or short. Bones are prominent, their hair is dry and usually curly. Face is oval in shape and eyes are small with teeny lashes. Fingers are long and nails are brittle with a tendency to split. Dry and thin skinned, Vatas are easily browned by the sun.

Vatas need grounding
Vatas like to run around (mentally and physically), so one of the best things they can do for themselves is to slow down  or even stop. Meditation, Yoga practice, and Pranayama are all wonderful for bringing some grounding and nourishment to Vata. Remember, Vatas are Air and Ether so they need grounding to keep them from flying away. Nutritionally, Vatas can do this by adding oils (ghee!), fully cooked vegetables, milk, and grains to their diet. Vatas need to keep warm and oiled. In the day-to-day, having a solid reliable schedule is best to ease and ground their fluttery mind. They love the sun and warm, humid weather. Steam rooms are great too.

Vata digestion 
Vata appetite is erratic and Vata digestion is usually sluggish. Yep, constipation. To help Vata digestion, they need oleation (ghee!) and warm foods. Oils & sauces lubricate the body to counterbalance the Rough & Dry qualities in Vata and warm foods will help balance the cold qualities.

Vata care
Basti, one amongst Panchakarmas is must once in a year for every person. It helps body and mind purification by cleansing Vata and it's channels in the body. It cures as well as prevents all ailments caused by viciated or imbalanced Vata. Basti should be performed under guidance of an able Vaidya in the season of Varsha (July-August). Abhyangam- Soft Massage with oils, Padabhyanga, Nasya, KarnaPuran must be regularly done by Vata constitution people.

Bapushree, 9/1, Sane Guruji Colony,
Behind collector bunglow,
JALGAON, M.S., India.425002


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