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बुधवार, 2 नवंबर 2011

Arthritis And Diet..

About one in seven peoples suffers from some type of arthritis,joint inflammation,stiffness,swelling and pain.The most common types are osteoarthritis,a painful condition in which joint cartilage gradually breaks down and rheumatoid arthritis ,a systemic disease that can cause severe pain and crippling...

Doctors do not understand why some individuals develop arthritis and others do not,but a combination of factors plays a role.People with Osteoarthritis may have inherently defective cartilage that makes it vulnerable  to normal wear and tear.Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)develops when an overactive immune system attacks connective tissue in the joints and other organs,causing inflammation and pain...

There are some dietary measures which can fight with Arthritis..By some researches it is proved that with some types of foods,food elements,Arthritis can be prevented,or can be fought with..Until recently doctors generally dismissed dietary treatments for arthritis,but new research shows that for some patients diet can make a difference..Studies have shown that patients with RA can experience a marked reduction in swelling ,pain,and redness of joints by ADDING OMEG-3 FATTY ACIDS to their diet.The OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS have anti inflammatory properties,where as the more common OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS are pro inflammatory..

So..Some Important Dietary Tips:...

1..It is necessary to Watch the levels of OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS in your diet ...
OMEGA 6 FATTY ACIDS tend to weight gain,reduce the powe of immune system,resultant of Cardiac disease and even Cancer...So just keep watch on the level of OMEGA 6 FATTY ACIDS..which are found in sunflower oil,corns,soya-bin,safola oil..

2...Eat more Vitamin C rich foods...
Vitamin C is important for the manufacture of Collagen..Collagen is a type of protein. Fibrous in nature, it connects and supports other bodily tissues, such as skin, bone, tendons, muscles, and cartilage. It also supports the internal organs and is even present in teeth. There are more than 25 types of collagens that naturally occur in the body.Eating Vitamin C enriched foods may help slow the progression of Osteo Arthritis(OA)...Best food sources of Vitamin C are citrus fruits,berries,melons,many other fruits,cabbage,potatoes..many other vegetables..

There are evidences that antioxidanats such as Vitmin C,beta carotene and Vitamin E will fight the effects of free radicals ,which are generated by inflammatory compounds and are thought to cause tissue damage in people with RA...So addition of Anti oxidants in diet will be helpful..

Antioxidant.                            Function                                                            Food Sources..

Vitamin C           Protects against HEART DISEASE,macular              Citrus fruits,Tomatoes,Melon etc...
                            degeneration,some types of Cancer     

Vitamin E     May help prevent tissue damage by fighting with        Nuts,seeds,oils,fruits,vegetables...
                    free radicals

Carotenoids               Same As Vitamin E Function                      Orange,dark green vegetables like
Beta carotene                                                                             carrots,spinach,sweet potatoes etc.

4...Food Allergies...

Some evidence show that a small % of people with arthritis have food allergies that exacerbate joint symptoms.Like wheat,soy,corn,coffee,possibly certain food additives..Researches have found that for these people removing the allergy causing foods from the diet has resulted in less pain ..It is helpful if you think a certain food is triggering your pain ,remove it from your diet for 2 weeks and pay attention to any symptom changes.Then add it back and see if your symptom worsens...

5...Weight Factor..

Obesity greatly increases the risk and severity of OA..Even a little extra weight strains the knees and hips.Losing weight and increasing exercise improve symptoms..
Patient of RA often have the opposite problem,they may be too thin due to appetite loss,chronic pain,or depression.So by having calorie and nutrient enriched liquid supplements it will be helpful..

6..Vegetarian Diet...

Researches have found that a strict vegetarian diet can bring about significant symptoms relief.The strict diet have a benefit from fruits,vegetables, and grains which contribute important anti oxidants that can help counter some of the inflammation..The diet is also low in or free of animal fats,which may promote the production of inflammatory immune compounds..Vegetarian diet with proper nutrition will be helpful...

7...Top Foods That Fight Arthritis...

Fish rich in Omega 3 fatty Acids....
Eat 5 to 10 servings of dark green or bright orange vegetables every day to provide beta carotene.(sources given in the chart)
Eat daily:..yellow,orange colored fruits for beta carotene,citrus fruits,berries,melons etc..
D..Nuts & Whole Grains:...
Eat nuts,seeds and whole grains regularly,for Vitamin E,a potent antioxidant that helps relieve inflammation and stiffness...

I have tried to cover this important issue by the point of Dietary means...In the next doc file will try to cover Blood Pressure.....

1...Foods That Heal Foods That Harm...
2..The Nutrition Source..Vegetables and Fruits
3..Family medicine and Diseases..
4...Healthy Eating..Harvard School Of Public Health
5..Beilin LJ. Vegetarian and other complex diets, fats, fiber, and hypertension..

DrAmita Kulkarni Purohit

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