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रविवार, 7 फ़रवरी 2016

Review on SUVARNVANGA and it's use-

Review on SUVARNVANGA and it's use-
The formulation Suvarnavanga is come under classification of Sagandha, Talastha Kupipakva Rasayana. In which main ingredient are Shudha Parada, Shudha Gandhaka, Shudha Vanga, Shudha Navasagara.
Historical Background:
It is one of Kupipakva Rasayana basically named due to the appearance, which is bright Golden yellow colour, as similar that of gold. This formulation is not found in old Rasagrantha but found in 19th century.
Reference of Suvarnavanga is found in many where the proportion of mercury differ in different Rasagrantha. All Samhita told presence of Parada in some quantity but prof. Sidhinandan Mishra say Suvarnavanga without mercury.
Suvarnavanga  : Commonly Called By Most of Author.
Laghu Mruganka  : Ayurveda Prakash Commentary.
Svarna Mruganka  : Rasayana Sara.
Vanga Bhasma  : Rasayana Sara.
Mehasetu Rasa  : Rasachandanshu.
Maskamruganka Rasa : Rasachandanshu.
Bhishakaratna  : Rasatarangini.
Svarna Raja Vangeshwara : Ayurveda Sara Sangraha.
 Rasa  : Tikta, Lavana, Amla.
 Guna  : Sheet, Ruksha, Sara.
 Veerya : Sheeta.
   Vipaka : Madhura.
 Colour : Golden Yellow to Brown Yellow.
 Smell  : Faint.
 Touch : Fine, Snigdha.
Therapeutic Indication:
 Jeerna Kasa
 Jeerna Shwas
Kanti Naasha
Veerya Naasha
Urdhvajatrugata Kapharoga.
 Dose:  1-2 Ratti

Anupana specific Indication:
1. Jatamansi Churna, Yashada Basma, Ashoka Kashaya – In 7 days cure sweta Pradara.
2. With Pathyaahara for 1 month – cure Shukrameha.
3. 2 Ratti Suvarnavanga, Sheeta Cheeni with Bala Swarasa - cure Vrunameha.
4. 2 Ratti Suvarnavanga, Haridra, Madhu – cure Vrunameha.
5. Along with Sweta Sarriva Hima – cure Ugravega Vrunameha.
6. Sheeta Cheeni, Suvarnavanga – cure Ratrimeha.
7. Along with Laghu Shalmali Mula – give Bala, Veerya, Shakti.
8. Suvarnavanga, Yashada Bhasma, Madhu – Shukrataralya Naasha.
9. Suvarnavanga 1 Ratti, Rasa Sindoora 1 Ratti, Madhu for one month – cure Shukra Douyrbalya.
10. 6 Ela, 6 Masha Madhu for 1-2 month – cure Prameha.
Use of Kshara Collected at Neck of bottle:
1. Kshara 1 Ratti, Pippali 1 Ratti Nasya – cure Pratishyaya.
2. Kshara 1 Ratti with Pana – cure Kasa.

Vd. Atul Sanap

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