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शुक्रवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2016

Acharya charak and modern hypothesis of Bronchial asthma and COPD ( Shvaasa roga )

 Acharya charak and modern hypothesis of Bronchial asthma and COPD ( Shvaasa roga )

the considerable overlap between persons with asthma and those with COPD on airway responsiveness ,airflow obstruction , and pulmonary symptoms led to the formulation of Dutch hypothesis. This suggests that asthma , chronic bronchitis and emphysema are variations of the same basic disease, which is modulated by environmental and genetic factors to produce these pathologicaly distinct entities. The alternative British hypothesis contends the asthma and COPD are fundamentally different diseases ; Asthma is viewed as largely an allergic phenomenon, while COPD results from smoking-related inflammation and damage. Acharya Charak mentioned Rajasa (pollen grains/allergens) Dhooma ( smoking ) vaataabhyam.... etc as hetu of shvaasa roga.. as per acharya chakrapani ; rajasa ityaadinaa prayo vaata prakopakagano vichchhidyoktah gadaavimaavityantena , nishpaava ityaadinaa kaphakaaranatayaa hikka shvaasayoh kaphaprakopa hetu gano abhihitah ; tadanena vaatajanaka kaphajanaka hetu varga dvaya vichchhet paathena vaatakaphayoh atra svahetukupitatvena svaatantryam darshayati , na anubandhamaroopatvam.. it means two different groups of etiological factors induce shvaasa roga separately ; vaata and kapha are vitiated by their hetu separately to initiate disease process.. Both extrinsic and intrinsic factors are mentioned as hetu of shvaasa roga. In samprapti of shvaasa roga acharya charak mentions vishvagvrajati ( sarvato gachchhati ) , means nonuniform ventillation , discarded ventillation and mismatching between ventillation and perfusion , a cardinal pathophysiology of shvaasa roga.. in an other reference ( ch.chi 18/131) acharya refered Tamakah kaphakaase tu syaachchet pittaanubandhajah... when there is secondary infection occurs in patient with chronic bronchitis , airway obstruction develops and in turn manifests severe dyspnea similar to episode of bronchial asthma (earlier known as infective bronchial asthma ). Since centuries the concept about shvaasa roga is very clear in ayurveda.. Determination of the validity of Dutch hypothesis Vs. British hypothesis awiats identification of the genetic predisposing factors for asthma and /or COPD ,as well as the interactions between these postulated genetic factors and environmental risk factors.. acharya charak mentioned very clearly the role of vaata and kapha in shvaasa roga ; Yadaa srotaansi sanroodhya maarootah kaphapoorvakah. Vishvagvrajati sanroodhah tadaa shvaasaat karoti sah..maaroota , kapha  Hyperresponsiveness of bronchial smooth muscles and inflammation of airways  airway obstruction  shvaasa roga ( bronchial asthma and COPD)..Acharya charak mentions tila taila as hetu of hikkashvaasa ( ch.chi 17).. Nishpaava maasha pinyaaka tila tail nishevanaat are observed as hetu of pandu roga and shvaasa hikka.. Acharya charak mentioned the same hetu in vidhi shonatiya adhyaaya.. means these are causes of raktaja roga. I think these all nishpaavaadi are hetu of kapha prakopa and rakta dushti..its kaphaprakopaka hetu , very clearly told by acharya chakrapani..Tila may lead to histamine liberation by mast cells after allergen - IgE binding on surface of mast cells.. Hyperresponsiveness may be caused by tila or tila tail or any hetu mentioned in shvaasa roga.. Ie srotaansi sanroodhya/airway obstruction.. references ; Charak sanhita and Harrison 's principles of internal medicine...

.Prof. Dr. Satyendra Narayan Ojha ,
MD (KC), Ph.D.
Director , Yashawant ayurveda college , Post graduate teaching and research center ,
Kodoli ,Panhala , Kolhapur..
 drsnojha@rediffmail. com

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