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मंगलवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2011

Which Oil is beneficial for Health?

Which Oil is beneficial for Health?
Now a day there are so many discussions about OIL. We always wonder which oil is good to eat and healthy?
Ayurveda described so many oils and there benefits in ancient texts. Almost all herbs and its fruits, seeds, leafs are contain certain oils and medicinal qualities. Oils used in paintings colors, medicines, and in various cosmetics like soap, shampoos etc. While many people believe that oil, as well as other types of fat, are unhealthy, there are actually many health benefits of oil.
The general qualities of oil is nicely described in Charak Sanhita as below-
कषाय अनुरसं स्वादु सूक्ष्म उष्णं व्यवायी  I 
पित्तलं बद्ध विट् मूत्रं   श्लेष्म अभिवर्धनं II 
वतघ्नेषु उत्तमम बल्यं त्वच्यं मेधा अग्नि वर्धनं I 
तैलं सयोन्ग संस्कारात सर्व रोगपः मतं II 
तैल प्रयोगद्जर निर्विकार जितश्रमा: I 
आसन्न अति बल: संख्ये दैत्यध्पत्तय: पुरा II
Mostly oil is slightly sweet and pungent in taste, hot in nature, pitta prakopak, easily absorbed via skin, strengthen muscles, energetic, good for skin, increase mind power as well as digestive fire. If oil is used along with herbs den surely its surly removes the diseases from body.
Which oil is GOOD and which is BAD to eat?
When we are going to administer oil with food, we should take some precaution while having it. Like, how much saturated and unsaturated fat is available in it? What will be combine effects of oil n food? Etc etc…
Mostly this oil we used-->

1)      Olive oil –
It is high in monounsaturated fats. These fats lower the risk of heart disease in several ways. They reduce total levels of cholesterol as well as the bad, LDL levels. Olive oil can also raise the levels of HDL, or good, cholesterol in the blood.
Consuming 2 tablespoons of olive oil each day can reduce your risk of developing heart disease. In addition to the heart healthy benefits of olive oil it has other benefits as well.

2)      Coconut oil
Not so good for eating purposes.
Coconut oil is made up mainly of saturated fat, which concerns many people. 
Coconut oil is easily utilized as energy. It contains fewer calories than many oils, and the calories are efficiently converted by the body to increase endurance and energy levels. In addition, the fat in coconut oil does not show the propensity to accumulate around the heart and inside the arteries as other types of saturated fats.
It may also help prevent arthrosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Coconut oil also has antioxidant properties, which help to reduce signs of aging and age related diseases.
3)      Canola oil
It contain omega -6 fatty acid which is essential amino acid for body. Uses of this oil decrease swelling, decrease cholesterol level, and control hypertension. It can be used in almost all types of food.

4)      Peanut oil
Peanut oil is most commonly used when frying foods, particularly French fries and chicken. When we talk nutritious value of it, peanut oil is not so good oil. 

5)      Sesame oil
Ayurveda described this oil as best oil. It contains almost all kind of vitamin and minerals.
Good for heart diseases also. Control high BP, relax mind and sooths skin nicely. It can be used for the stir frying of meats or vegetables, or for the making of an omelet. East Asian cuisines often use roasted sesame oil for seasoning.
It is suggested that regular topical application and/or consumption of sesame oil should mitigate effects of anxiety, nerve and bone disorders, poor circulation, lowered immunity and bowel problems. It is suggested such use would also relieve lethargy, fatigue, and insomnia, while promoting strength and vitality, enhancing blood circulation. There are claims that its use has relaxing properties which eases pain and muscle spasm, such as sciatica, dysmenorrhoea, colic, backache, and joint pain.

6)      Sunflower oil
Sunflower oil is high in the essential vitamin E and low in saturated fat.
It may also help food stay fresher and healthier for longer periods of time. One can consume it at daily bases. 

7)      Fish oil
Fish oil is full of omega-3 fatty acids. These provide many benefits to the body, including a decrease in the incidence of colon cancer, lowering of blood pressure and cholesterol numbers and anti-aging protection for the brain.

Always keep in mind that Mono-saturated fat is good for health. Some fats are good for health in moderate doses. 
One should decrease the amount of saturated and trans fatty acids, since that may raise ur cholesterol level. 
Once used oil should not be reused. Reheated oil loses its good values. 
Buy good branded oil from markets. 
The amount of intake is very important. 
One should know own body constitutes and then he/she should consume oil. 
Above are the health facts of some oils. One should always take advice of specialist before using any kind of herbs, oil or medicines. Some time it may not be suitable to some particular body constitutes.


- Dr.Jigar B. Gor

Shree MadhavSmaranam Ayurveda Clinic
an ayurveda clinic & panchkarma treatment centre

Narayan Complex, Nr. old bus-stand,
madhapar, bhuj-kutch.Gujarat
ph- 09724157515,  02832-242272

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