International Seminar-Workshop-Wellness through Ayurveda will be organized at Rishikesh on 3-4th October 2015..Please Register your self at
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मंगलवार, 21 अगस्त 2012



1. Go deeper and deeper in exploring the possible causes and pathogenesis of diseases (ansha-ansha kalpna) esp. in early stages, before these become incurable.

2. Many diseases have no symptoms or have vague symptoms (purvarupa/rupa) initially but the underlying process of disease development (sanchaya, prakopa, prasara) continues. Try to develop skills whereby you get leads from other factors and diagnose such diseases in their initial stages in order to avoid complications (bheda/upadrava). One way of doing it is persuade healthy people for undergoing regular check ups and getting necessary investigations done in order to know the condition (sara, samhanana) of their organs/tissues/systems. 

3. Kindly stop saying that ayurveda treatment is meant for chronic diseases only. This is not correct. Ayurveda treatment is quite effective in a large number of acute diseases too. Vaidyas have been managing acute diseases with ayurveda for thousands of years. We, too have been doing so for about 25 years. Yes, ayurveda may lack treatment for fulminant diseases.

4. Kindly stop telling that ayurveda medicines are economical. The costs of raw drugs have gone too high with the result that ayurvedic medicines too have become quite costly.

M:09419205439, Email:

शनिवार, 18 अगस्त 2012


MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE ENT INFECTIONS (Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, Otitis Media, Pharyngitis, Laryngitis)

1. Sudarshan-ghan Vati 500 mg – 1 gm thrice a day (Anti-infective)
2. Loswel Tablet 1 tab thrice a day (Anti-inflammatory)
3. Dolid Tablet 1 tablet SOS/thrice a day (Analgesic)
4. Madhuyashti tail – 3-4 drops to be instilled in b/l nostrils, thrice a day (Topical anti-inflammatory/antiallegic)

The principal ingredient of Sudarshan-ghan Vati is Chirayata, an effective anti-infective drug. However, its effective therapeutic dose is 500 mg to 1 gm, thrice a day. You get this much ghan from 5-10 gm of Sudarshan Churna. B'coz most of the people dislike the bitter taste of Sudarshan Churna, it is better to use ghan.

2. LOSWEL Tablet
Contains Shallaki ext. 400 mg, Jatiphal ext. 200 mg, Erandmul ext. 200 mg. Shallaki is an established anti-inflammatory drug. Jatiphal is an analgesic (+anti-inflammatory) drug. Erandmul eliminates inflammatory edema (like serratiopeptidase). The three ingredients make LOSWEL Tablet an excellent anti-inflammatory formulation that has a significant role to play in lowering inflammation in acute ENT infections.

3. DOLID Tablet
Contains Jatiphal ext 400 mg, Godanti bhasma 400 mg, Vatsanabh shuddha 15 mg, Hingul shuddha 10 mg. Jatiphal is an excellent analgesic (+antiinflammatory), Godanti and Vatsanabh are analgesic and antipyretic drugs. Hingul is a yogavahi (bioavailability enhancer) that enhances the actions of the other 3 ingredients. If the pain is severe and is not fully controlled by LOSWEL Tablet, then use DOLID Tablet 1 tablet thrice a day, or SOS.

Madhuyashti is an excellent antiinflammatory and anti-allergic. Madhuyashti siddha tail when used locally as nasal drops brings about fast improvement.

For further queries kindly contact:
Dr.Vasishth, M: 09419205439, Email: