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गुरुवार, 29 सितंबर 2011

Tri Doshas Of Ayurved

Ayurveda has its own procedure for dealing with disease and patient. First of all diagnosis is done by inspection (दर्शन), palpation (स्पर्शन), and interrogation (प्रश्‍न). The specific examination includes the standard eight-point examination: (1) pulse, (2) urine, (3) stool, (4) tongue, (5) eye, (6) skin, (7) speech and voice, and (8) general appearance. These eight examination is done to find out the, particular disease is due to vitiation of which Tridosha.

1. Pulse
Thread­like, feeble, 
snake­like motion 
Moderately heavy, 
and jumps like a frog
Heavy, slow, 
flows like swan
2. Urine 

Drop of sesame oil 
spreads on the surface  
of urine gives:
Black–brown color

Wave­like movement
Dark brown color

Multiple colors, like 
Cloudy appearance

Pearl like droplets
3. Stool

Uniform, dark color
Yellowish color
Bulky foul smell
4. Tongue

Black to brown, dry, 
coarse, furred, pigmented
Red, yellow, or green,
 soft, sharp, moist
Whitish color, pale 
coated, big, soft.
5. Eye

Small, conjunctiva, muddy, 
iris is dark gray or brown
Moderate size, sharp, 
more sensitive to light
Large, moist, oily, 
conjunctiva is white
6. Skin

Dry, coarse, wrinkled,
Wheat color, copper like color, shiny, moist
Soft, off-white, smooth, moist
7. Speech and voice
Coarse and dry
Before this I would like to enter into Charak Samhita (One of the 3 great triads). Here, four component of disease management are described. They are; first, the Physician, the drug, the patient and the attendant. A physician must have proper training, knowledge, and experience. A remedy must be abundantly available, effective, and relatively safe. A patient must provide all information to the physician about the disorder and be compliant. An attendant (a nurse) must have the knowledge of patient care, dexterity, loyalty, and cleanliness.
How actually the patients are cured?
First of all if there is the imbalance of Tridosha, it is balanced by using different herbal formulas, dietary and lifestyle interventions to bring dosasback into balance. Next is to eliminate the serious worry (Chinta), and and nurturing the soul to regain spiritual health (Samana). Ayurveda equally focus on physical health, mental health and spiritual health. This is the beauty of Ayurveda. Further more management of illness primarily consists of four procedures: (1) cleansing (samsodhan), (2) palliation (samsaman), (3) rejuvenation (kaya kalp), and (4) mental and spiritual healing (sattvavajaya, or psychotherapy). The management of an illness starts with cleansing and includes five procedures called panchakarma, all of which are not necessarily done at the same time or to all patients.

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