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मंगलवार, 17 मई 2011



 SANSKRIT » Adhyanda, Ajata, Ajuta, Amala, Aphala, Aruha, Bahupatra, Bahuphala, Bahupushpa, Bhudhatri, Bhumyamalaki, Charati, Chorata, Dalasparshini, Dridhapadi, Hilolika, Jada, Jharika, Jhatamala, Mala, Nilolika, Putrashronika, Shiva, Sukshmadala, Sukshmaphala, Tali, Tamalaki, Tamalika, Tamalini, Tamravalli, Uchchata, Vishaghni, Vishvaparni, Vitunnaka, Vituntika, Vrishya, Ara-valli
 HINDI » Hazarmani, Lal-bhuin-anvalah, Lalbhuinanvalah, Lalbhuin, Serhi
 BENGALI » Hazar mani, Badar, Hazarmani
 KANNADA » Kempu-kiranelli, Kempukiranelli, Kempu nelanelli, Kempu nela nelli, Kempu kira nelli
 MALYALAM » Chirukizhukanelli, Chukanna-kizha-nelli, Chukannakizhanelli
 MARATHI » Bhuiavala, Lalmundajanvali, Bhooyimabi, Laalbhooyavali, Laal mandaj aamvalee, Bhumy-avli
 TAMIL » Shivappunelli, Cenkilanelli, Civappu kilanelli, Cikappu ttantu, Cirappu kilanelli, Cirukilanelli, Shivappu-nelli, Chengizha-nelli, Keezhkai nelli
 TELGU » Erra-usirika, Ettausirika, Ucha chiyu, Usirika, Uchi usiri, Erra usirika, Neeti usiri


Erect, annual herbs, upto 60cm high. Leaves distichous, eliptic-oblong or linear-oblong. Flowers yellowish, grenish or whitish, axillary, male flowers 1-3, females solitary.

Root : Small, 2.5-11.0 cm long, nearly straight, gradually tapering with a number of fibrous secondary and tertiary roots, external surface light brown; fracture short. Transverse section of root shows 4-6 layers of cork consisting of thin walled, rectangular, tangentially elongated and radially arranged cells, filled with reddish brown content. Secondary cortex consists of 8-10 layers of thin walled, tangentially elongated parenchymatous cells.
Stem : Slender, glabrous, light brown, cylindrical, 20-75 cm long, branching profusely towards upper region, bearing 5-10 pairs of leaves; odour indistinct; taste slightly bitter. Transverse section shows single layered epidermis composed of thick walled, flattened, tangentially elongated cells. Older stem shows 4-5 layers of cork, composed of thin walled, tabular, tangentially elongated and radially arranged cells filled with reddish brown content.
Leaf : Leaves are small, sessile, entire, thin, glaucous beneath, oblong, broadly obtuse at apex and possess a few obscure veins. Each leaf bears a pair of minute, waxy white, lanceolate-subulate, free lateral stipules. Transverse section shows dorsiventral structure. The epidermis, upper as well as lower, is covered with thin cuticle and perforated by anomocytic stomata.

This species is native to tropical East Asia, now globally a weed of the tropics. Within India, it is common in open areas throughout.

The compost mixture consisting of loamy soil, ried cowdung manure, silver sand, powdered harcoal and brick is vry suitable for the cultivation of the crop.

DOSE Swaras 10 - 20 ml, Churna 3 - 6 gm
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Enantiomer of norsecurinine, Nirphyllin, Phyllnirurin, Corilagin, Ellagic acid, Gallic acid, Geraniin, Flavonoids

PHYSICAL CONSTITUENTS Root (Total ash 7.27 %, Acid insoluble ash 2.99 %, Alcohol extractive 6.60 %, Benzene extractive 0.64 %, Pet. Ether extractive 0.48 %, Chlorofrom extractive 0.68 %, Water extractive 4.44 %)
Stem (Total ash 8.86 %, Acid insoluble ash 1.01 %, Alcohol extractive 7.12 %, Benzene extractive 1.36 %, Pet. Ether extractive 1.04 %, Choloform extractive 1.40 %, Water extractive 5.16 %
 GUNA (Quality)
 RASA (Taste)
 VIPAK (Metabolism)
 VIRYA (Potency)
 PRABHAV (Impact)
 Laghu, Ruksha
 Tikt, Kashay, Madhur

PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION Antifungal, Anticancer, Antispasmodic, Hypoglycaemic, Antiviral, Hepatoprotective

THERAPEUTIC USES Abdominal disorders
 Skin diseases
Amritaprasa ghrita

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